
Singing Me Home

Have you ever heard the song of the land? Calling you home from distant places? Breaking chains binding you, its music freeing your spirit to fly away.

For me, it was a city surrounded by forests, The waves of the Sound breaking upon its shores, A bustling city center, yet apart of nature. The birds singing, orcas playing, and seals resting in the sun.

From the deserts filled with sand and sagebrush, I heard the song of this land, Beaches along the shore, The sweat smell of dirt and soil.

I've been asked what brought me, to this emerald city I call home, for money, love, adventure? To this I only have one answer.

Every stone, every grain of sand, every drop of water in the sound, every gust of wind, a chorus, singing me home, to where I belong.

When the chains were broken, and my spirit free, I retained my sword and shield, yet, I began to heal.

Both in body and soul, Years of trauma to unravel, Scars of pain and regret fading, I began to heal.

With the song forever engraved in my soul, the chorus of everything around me, I found my center, my heart found its home, And I rediscovered myself, added my voice to the song.

So I ask you, have you ever heard the song of the land? Calling you home from distant places? Breaking chains binding you, its music freeing your spirit to fly away.