My Books
The time has come, I now need a separate page to showcase the books I have published, and the ones I am working on.
What do I Write About?
For as long as I can remember I have written short stories and poetry as an outlet. None of them held strong enough for me to desire to publish them except for a spare few. One thing I wanted above others was to leave my mark on the world in one way or another. So while I program and that is my passion, I can also be found writing poetry or short stories based in fantastical worlds.
My first book A Warrior's Journey was published under my old legal name of Hunter Bailey and was my last act as that person before I took my current name. It is a re-telling of my story through freestyle poetry.
My second book A Warrior's Journey: A Requiem of Echoes is the "definitive edition" of the first book, and is written through the lense of the person I am now, having done the healing and work to overcome and group from the events of the past. This version contains new poetry, the originals re-written, as well as my own personal thoughts on each poem and more. Additionally the original poems will be available in the back of the book for those who wish to read them.
In addition to working on A Requiem of Echoes I will be publishing some of the poems to this website, however they will not contain my personal thoughts, analysis, etc of them. You can find these poems in Poetry.
To nobodies surprise, I am also working on a fantasy novel. As I have more information to share I will provide updates.
A Warrior's Journey: A Requiem of Echoes
Published: Coming Soon!